Americans love an underdog. The media, pollsters, and both major parties worked together to create one and now he is President-elect.
Interesting to me as I followed the comments of too many evangelical Christian leaders supporting one candidate or the other is how those who were peacemakers for Hillary (this is the safe route for America’s future) and prophets for Trump (the world will end if Hillary is elected) have this morning on social media become prophets for Hillary (the world will end because Donald was elected) and peacemakers for Trump (it’s time to set differences aside and work together). Christians, including our leaders, are wonderfully human and imperfect.
Democracy is a flawed and incredibly interesting system of choosing governance. I was concerned that a Democrat majority in House, Senate, Oval Office and Supreme Court could prove troubling for the future. The same concern goes now for a Republican majority in House, Senate, Oval Office and soon Supreme Court. It will be very interesting to see how the U.S. constitutional checks and balances will function in light of this impending four institutions of governance sweep.
Praying for the USA.