Don Hutchinson in Church in Society weaves his way through biblical text, early church history, and personal travels and stories to help us see the power and beauty of the church, what we know as the “bride of Christ.” He has purpose in connecting these strands: to point us in the direction of engaging as citizens, here and now.
Not unlike Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, in City of God, who called his first-century church to see the Spirit at work, this author in Church in Society reminds the twenty-first-century church that “heavenly citizenship informs our participation in earthly citizenship.” This is of course difficult. But author Don Hutchinson presses us not to abandon our calling by opting for a one-dimensional view.
This message is both biblical and timely, a reminder that taking the easy way out has never been the biblical mandate.
Brian C. Stiller
Global Ambassador, World Evangelical Alliance