A few short years ago mine was among the voices calling for a national inquiry into Canada’s missing and murdered aboriginal women. There was a pressing need for statistical and anecdotal evidence to be gathered which would paint the picture of what … [Continue reading]
Is R-E-S-P-E-C-T m.i.a.?
“It takes a village to raise a child” is a statement often heard and rarely attributed (it’s thought to be an African proverb). For me, as a child in a family of origin separated by divorce, the concept gave people on my home street and my summer … [Continue reading]
The Gratefulness Challenge
A friend suggested I share this list of gratefulness as a blog. So here, minimally modified, is my response to the facebook gratefulness challenge. I was nominated by a friend to share in the gratefulness challenge for five days, posting three … [Continue reading]
History Makers and forks in the road
“When you come to a fork in the road, take it!” Yogi Berra was more than a Hall of Fame baseball player and manager. He salted the English speaking world’s dictoms with a unique wisdom. How many decisions do we make each day, beginning with … [Continue reading]
A lot can happen in two weeks
I’m just a few days home from a two-week motorcycle tour that touched base in each of the four original provinces of Confederation, the province that hosted the Confederation conference and the last province to join the Dominion of Canada (answers … [Continue reading]